12 Nov 5 Reasons People Come to Parksville, B.C.
Sometimes, people from Vancouver Island go a little overboard about what it’s like living here. It is awesome, but it is not tropical, the winters can be wet and Parksville isn’t exactly Excitement Central. However, there are some attractions that are undeniable. Sunrise Ridge Waterfront Resort is located just outside Parksville on Resort Drive, providing luxury 1, 2 and 3 bedroom vacation residences that put you firmly in the Oceanside area of the island. After speaking to hundreds of visitors to this area, here are the most common reason they love coming here.
1. The Weather – Parksville is in one of the island’s famous “rain shadows”. In our case Mt. Arrowsmith literally lifts clouds coming in from the West, lifts them and sends them off to languish in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. It’s a rarity to see days of rain here. In fact, we get less precipitation than many vacation destinations including Cancun and Orlando. Again, it’s not tropical, but the Island does have the most temperate climate in Canada, with the highs and lows common in the rest of the country shaved off.
2. The Location – For nature lovers, this is paradise. Head in any direction and you will find lush, green surroundings with hiking trails, hundreds of caves, rivers, waterfalls and of course the spectacular Straight of Georgia. Our owners and guests use Sunrise Ridge at their home base for exploring. Victoria is only an hour and half away, there’s an international airport an hour away and the wild West Coast is only a 2 1/2 hour drive through some spectacular scenery.
3. It’s Safe – More areas of the world are becoming unsafe for visitors and most people aren’t looking for excitement in the form of street crime. You can feel pretty certain that the folks in the car next to you don’t have a handgun and that you’ll make it back to the resort safe and sound when you go exploring. Although people may feel that the prevalence of uniforms and weapons in some countries will keep them safe, many Canadians find it unsettling to see the police/military everywhere, particularly when they are also thugs. Being warned not to go to town alone does not make people feel relaxed. We shouldn’t be surprised to find that desperate people living in poverty may not find pasty, pudgy tourists with money to burn amusing.
4. Health Insurance – Regardless of the extra coverage Canadians choose, it still doesn’t cover everything. If you already have a pre-existing medical condition, it’s probably not covered when you’re out of country. Because Canadians are used to keeping their credit card in their pocket when they visit the doctor or go to the hospital, they are often complacent about coverage out of country. If you choose to travel to an area that carries a Travel Advisory, it is probable that your insurance coverage is void. Keep in mind that the insurance companies focus is on profit and their bottom line, not our well being. Denying claims boosts profits.
5. It’s Familiar – Although visiting another country can be an exotic experience because of the cultural differences, it’s not always a positive experience. Working with a foreign currency in a culture where everything is negotiable can be expensive for the unprepared traveller. Contrary to what we may believe, everyone doesn’t speak English and may have little sympathy for visitors who didn’t even bother to learn a few basics phrases in the language of their vacation destination.
Because these aren’t the only things people are looking for in a vacation, we are affiliated with Interval International, one of the largest exchange companies allowing our owners access to over 2600 resorts in countries around the world.
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